Welcome back! Man, it's great to
see you, it's been ages. Have you had a haircut? Looks good.
Today I thought we could deal with that ancient art of "Word-Fu" - namely the ability to handle situations using your knowledge of vocabulary and/or language in general. Not the game you find if you Google this term, trust me, this version of Word Fu is not a game. Oh no, no indeed.
So we've dealt with body language in prior posts, so it just seemed right to
work on what you're actually saying too, right?
But we're gonna get a little specific. We're gonna deal with a few people who we find difficult.
Liar's and Cheats.
Now to explain - this is not some
personal crusade or revenge/frustration driven rant given parts of my life to
date. Nope, this one's far from it. Life has taught me a few things,
things I reckon it would be good for you to know. This is an attempt to help
you out if you're currently struggling with that odd sensation in your gut
which is telling you "something ain't right here..."
We all know that feeling, it happens to everyone.
So yep, this post is designed to
A beginners guide to
handling liars and cheats utilising Word Fu.
Consider this an
opportunity to take the wool away from your eyes.
To begin, a liar/cheat can be defined as those people who always spout lies to either make themselves look good, to cover their asses when they've been busted/trying to avoid being busted, those who dig themselves out of a hole (that they probably dug themselves) with non-truths or who are always putting someone else down for their own personal gain.
Whoa. Yeah...I
That was a BIG list
of who this is about but please, stay with me.
It'll be worth the read.
It'll be worth the read.
Now, there are a couple of other categories which we will exclude from this
post just to be clear.
1. The liar who lies due to a distinct
lack of confidence - whereby due to personal circumstances (i.e. has been put
down all of their lives, told they are a loser etc) an individual will bend the
truth a little, but never to hurt anyone. In these cases, dependent on
the lie being told, most people will forgive them, often because the lies they
tell are horrible and about as transparent as air.
2. And our common "Little White
Lies" - like Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy - they are designed to
inspire your child's imagination, not to be lies to be found out and crucified
This leaves us with the Liar's and cheats who lie on purpose, knowingly to
deceive YOU.
So, the first question - How can you spot them?
Well, it's actually not as hard as you think, but you have to want to
How often have you been in a
relationship where you've known you're being lied to, but choose to ignore it
for your kids/your income/your lifestyle or some other "comfortable"
I'll bet good money I haven't been the
only one.
So if you are looking, there are a few "tell's" and "types" that give most liar's away.
So if you are looking, there are a few "tell's" and "types" that give most liar's away.
But the number one rule - trust your instincts - if you feel like
something is wrong with what you're being told, it often is.
If it smells like a duck, quacks like a duck, flies like a duck, odds
are....its a duck.
Remember - 93% of all communication is
- A liar will often look away rather than making
eye contact as they are talking with you
- Holding eye contact too long (yes, the
opposite of the above). This one is generally felt as awkwardness. The
liar is challenging you to challenge what they are saying - they expect to
be caught out.
- Distracting behaviours like touching their
ears, playing with hair or clothes, changing the subject the more
uncomfortable they become etc
- Speed of their voice - often liars will speak
slightly faster than normal when lying.
- Too much detail - liars often pre-meditate how
they will tell you something and create great detail "in case"
you ask. They often tell you this detail without you asking.
- Trying too hard to sound normal that they
actually end up sounding weird and false
- Deflection - re-accusing the accuser - this is
a classic whereby if you confront the liar about their lying, they will
accuse you of either doing the same thing or something much worse to
change the focus.
- The "Dismissively Aggressive" - ever
heard the saying "doth thy protest too much?". This one is
generally used by aggressive people who deep down know they have done
wrong but will never admit it, often combined with the
- You will be made to feel like everything is
all your fault, often. This protects the liar by you always being the
worse one. I fell into this situation once before - not a cool place to
- "The Retreat" - often liars will
avoid discussions where they can be found out. What better way than to
just walk away?
- The "Believer" - this is probably
the most dangerous liar of all. They actually believe the lie they are
telling you is true.
- And finally (but by no means the end of any
liar list) the "Clever". This is the one where you are literally
baffled by bullshit. This one takes a very good talker
with a high level understanding of "Word-Fu". Most politicians
probably fall into this category.
Life would be so much easier if a
liar's pants actually did catch on fire, right? For sure, true story.
Now that we have a few categories and
generalisations on methods a liar will use against you, the next question
How can you stop them
Well, bad news buddy.
You can't.
I know, I know - not
the answer you wanted, but unfortunately, it's absolutely true.
It is literally
impossible to stop someone lying to you.
Especially if they
have something to hide.
But the saving grace is, generally
speaking you will always notice (if you know the person lying to you) even if
you're not being paranoid or jumping at shadows.
You'll get that feeling something is
wrong - you know the one.
This is true for cheaters too.
If you suspect a cheater - and yes,
they are a special bunch, advanced liars - something will trigger for
For relationships where you co-habitat - suspicions can be sparked if you notice something has been moved in your house, more attention is spent focused on cell phones, conversations are happening less, frustrations at you become higher, your items get covered up or even put somewhere else. Cheaters and adulterers are very good at mastering these skills, especially the bold ones who believe it is their right to act the way they do.
Consider how much of a bummer it must
be for them trying to work their mojo on someone else when there is a picture
of you hanging up in the front room, or a whole heap of your stuff hanging
around. Not gonna work too well for them, right?
An example - a friend of mine years back was dating a detective and they'd been living together for about 5 years, she'd thought they were happy. Bad news was - he'd been cheating on her in their own home since the beginning of their relationship, moving all her stuff (putting things in drawers, hiding them away) every time he had someone come over - and there'd been many. He blamed her when he got caught (she found a picture she treasured of the both of them under their bed) and probably still does. He was an arrogant guy, full of his own importance and believed he was always right.
Yet another person playing "alpha" male. You'll see I stated playing, because that's all they're doing, pretending to be number one. They're not really number one by any stretch of the imagination, by putting others down they think they can elevate themselves.
Bad news for them.
If you happen to be one of these pretend Alpha Males (or an Alpha Female) and is reading this for any insights you can use, quit it. Now. You're being an asshole.
Real Alpha's know their responsibilities to others, they don't use/abuse others for their own gains. They'll do the opposite and be all good with it.
And most pretend Alpha's all end up the same too. They refuse to pull their heads in and eventually they get it knocked off. It's simple physics - action, then opposite and equal reaction. Be an asshole, get smacked over like one.
Trust me, there is ALWAYS someone tougher than you.
Now if you are worried about this cheating happening
in your home, take note of where your stuff is and of your partners
behaviours both good and bad, something will always give them away. Most cheaters aren't very smart.
Another thing you could keep a nose out
for is "smell". For example - if you get home to a smell of
air freshener, they could've been either smoking weed, they've burnt
something in the kitchen, have severe "wind" or are trying to mask someone's perfume/cologne.
Awareness is always
the key - as is a level head.
You also need to appreciate that all of these things can be happening and your partner NOT be cheating on you. However, if you are suspicious and feel that something is wrong, investigate and put it to rest because it just might be real.
Remember - if it smells like a duck, quacks like a duck, flies like a duck, odds are....its a duck.
Another indicator can be perhaps your
partner is going out more and more and not wanting you to come along. If
cheating is a potential, are you finding yourself in a fight just before they
go out?
It could be a way of justification for them telling you to stay home so they can go out with their friends and/or their hook up.
Are they always encouraging you to go out and don't care where? Mmmmm.
It could be a way of justification for them telling you to stay home so they can go out with their friends and/or their hook up.
Are they always encouraging you to go out and don't care where? Mmmmm.
But hey, enough about cheaters, lets move on back to liars. They kinda go
hand-in-hand with cheats anyway since isn't that what cheats are actually doing
For liars - you can always try and
create a safe environment whereby they will feel they don't have to lie to you
- useful especially with children and teenagers.
I do this with our two boys and I back
it up with non-confrontational methods of busting them when I catch them. I can
tell when they are lying just by getting them to tell me their story whilst
maintaining eye-contact. If you know your kids, you'll know how to do
this already too.
For most liars, they lie until the
point they get caught out, then they scramble.
If you believe you are being lied to, my suggestion is confront the person. You can start softly, softly such as "Look, are you sure that's what happened? It doesn't sound quite right..." and then you can utilise a real piece of "Word Fu" that almost never fails.
Oh yeah, this is intermediate to
advanced level stuff.
You're not using "silence"
Yep - S.I.L.E.N.C.E.
The absence of noise, y'know, keep yah mouth shut bro', or shushit@dudeyouretooloud.co.nz or www.zip_it.com.
So I can see your eyebrow lifting, you're not so sure on what I'm saying huh?
I guess it does sound a bit like a misnomer. I've been describing "Word-Fu" yet I'm talking about you saying "nothing" wrongly?
I guess it does sound a bit like a misnomer. I've been describing "Word-Fu" yet I'm talking about you saying "nothing" wrongly?
Yeah, it sounds a bit weird even to me as I'm writing this.
But like any of my left-field posts, hold the phone, put your feet
up, park this baby in neutral and trust me.
If you utilise this skill I'm about to teach you, you will become a
better one on one speaker, listener, a better communicator and most
of all - become a much better bullshit detector.
So what on earth am I actually blathering on about here?
It's remarkably simple. Silence can be your best friend and a worthy Allie, especially when you are dealing with people who are trying to lie to you.
It's remarkably simple. Silence can be your best friend and a worthy Allie, especially when you are dealing with people who are trying to lie to you.
Let me set the scene for how I learnt this little gem, handy bit of
I had a friend back in the 80's and 90's named Hitoshi who was
a lot older than me, was my intermediate Aikido instructor and
he held a fairly middle management rank in a manufacturing firm
who had just started doing a bit of business here in New Zealand
back when "Made in Japan" became viewed as not bad
stuff at all.
Nothing cool like electronics, no he didn't work for Sony.
Nothing cool like electronics, no he didn't work for Sony.
As one of only two of Hitoshi's European student's, I was
always being told off for talking too much - I preferred to call it
"youthful exuberance" whereas Hitoshi preferred to call it
"a problem with authority".
This came to a head literally, spinning back-fist involved, when I answered a rhetorical question with a joke in the middle of a 50-strong training session.
This came to a head literally, spinning back-fist involved, when I answered a rhetorical question with a joke in the middle of a 50-strong training session.
Turned out that my barbarian humour wasn't all that funny and
I ended up with bruises from the other students just to
prove how "un-funny" the sound of one hand clapping
actually was.
I also managed another few thick ears talking about cups being half empty/half full and a snide comment about "either way there is room for bourbon".
I also managed another few thick ears talking about cups being half empty/half full and a snide comment about "either way there is room for bourbon".
Yes, it seemed my insight genius was not appreciated then
So - somewhat flabbergasted at my lack of understanding and on the verge of giving up - Hitoshi
took me along with him to a business meeting where I was to learn
something or suffer the consequence of loss of face. Not literally though. My face was going to be fine.
I was introduced to the other party as an "associate", although to what I had no idea, but according to Hitoshi I was dragged along to learn something vitally important that could finally get me to understand what he'd been trying to get through "my Thrick Scrull".
I was introduced to the other party as an "associate", although to what I had no idea, but according to Hitoshi I was dragged along to learn something vitally important that could finally get me to understand what he'd been trying to get through "my Thrick Scrull".
Now given I couldn't (and still can't) speak much Japanese, I
figured I was going to learn about as much as "bad wind" in a
rubber suit... no doubt this was going to be a painful and
uncomfortable few hours.
On arriving however, I found that all the other company
representatives were European and they were a happy accommodating bunch, as were Hitoshi's people. I observed the appropriate courtesies, figured my luck had changed since
everything seemed nice and casual, I only slightly felt like the charity case dumb kid at the smarty pants party, but at least I figured was going to understand at least
some of what was going to be said. We were all ushered into the meeting
room to begin discussions, me at the back and firmly out of the way, no dunce hat included.
Before we headed in to sit down however, Hitoshi told me to say
absolutely nothing unless I was spoken to directly. It was one
of those "do as I say" moments you'd get from your Mum, y'know the ones, when she'd use your whole name including
your middle name.
Needless to say, I kept my mouth shut.
Needless to say, I kept my mouth shut.
What happened over the next hour however, changed the way I
see communication forever and I'm happy I went. Hitoshi was right and I'm glad he stuck his neck out so far with his co-workers and took me along.
Y'see the Japanese have a
slightly different way of doing business. Yes, gross generalisation I
agree, but since that meeting I learnt it's mostly a fairly true
Both teams sat either side of a longish
table, not much a view but all in all, a fairly boring venue.
The thing that had me spellbound over the next couple of hours was that there were times in that meeting where it felt like I almost had to say something, the very core of me screaming out "say something!" much like trying to ignore a phone ringing - it became almost physical pain in wanting to answer the thing.
The thing that had me spellbound over the next couple of hours was that there were times in that meeting where it felt like I almost had to say something, the very core of me screaming out "say something!" much like trying to ignore a phone ringing - it became almost physical pain in wanting to answer the thing.
I swear that the
silence was so deafening and so uncomfortable that the nature of the
meeting quickly changed and the other party had to keep filling the gaps,
they started talking up a storm.
During particularly long silences, Hitoshi would look back to me to reinforce his message. As dutiful student I complied. The longer this meeting went on, the more out-of-sorts the other people became.
I kid you not, at one point it was like a competition of who speaks first loses as the Europeans started to catch on.
At the end of the meeting however I overheard one of the exec's asking what the hell had happened in there, it seemed they'd revealed too much and been more truthful than they had been planning to be.
They literally didn't seem to be able to help themselves but fill those silences with more and more wins for Hitoshi and the company he worked for. The other business just kept sweetening the deal with more and more offers to get Hitoshi's company on-board, an obvious assumption over why the Japanese were being so quiet.
During particularly long silences, Hitoshi would look back to me to reinforce his message. As dutiful student I complied. The longer this meeting went on, the more out-of-sorts the other people became.
I kid you not, at one point it was like a competition of who speaks first loses as the Europeans started to catch on.
At the end of the meeting however I overheard one of the exec's asking what the hell had happened in there, it seemed they'd revealed too much and been more truthful than they had been planning to be.
They literally didn't seem to be able to help themselves but fill those silences with more and more wins for Hitoshi and the company he worked for. The other business just kept sweetening the deal with more and more offers to get Hitoshi's company on-board, an obvious assumption over why the Japanese were being so quiet.
I learnt afterward that it wasn't because Hitoshi's group weren't sure, it wasn't that they wanted more (because they didn't), it was
simply because they knew how to negotiate and they simply wanted the truth.
They were cautiously analysing all the information being given AND
they knew before they even started that the truth would come out. They'd utilised this tactic before.
Having read Sun Tzu's "Art of War" since this meeting, I think (although still not 100% sure) that I got more a handle on this but at the time, I - and the European group - had no idea what was happening.
Hitoshi's group knew that most people, most importantly the European's they were dealing with, dislike silence.
Hitoshi's group knew that most people, most importantly the European's they were dealing with, dislike silence.
Consider this - just how many times have you filled awkward silences yourself?
I'll bet lots. We're not wired to handle it all that well.
Y'see by saying nothing, most people
who are feeling the pressure of the silence can't help but reveal
their own true thoughts, it's almost as if we've been taught this
Silence equals bad.
Silence equals bad.
The scary thing is - it's actually quite the opposite. Welcome to Word Fu.
If you don't believe me, try it for
yourself and practice.
1. Ask a person the question you
want to know the answer to - perhaps one that you know they would not tell
you the 100% information for
2. Let your question hang there. A
thoughtful expression will help.
3. Keep your mouth shut. You will feel
uncomfortable and so will they. Keep quiet. The results will most
likely surprise you.
Word to the wise though, this is not
something to be used for negative or personal gain - pretend Alpha's (male and female) I'm talking to you.
This is simply a tool to be used so you can gain the truth from any situation whereby you would need it in order to make an informed decision.
This is simply a tool to be used so you can gain the truth from any situation whereby you would need it in order to make an informed decision.
So welcome to the essence of Word-Fu,
my friend.
Over here in the knowing side - silence
is indeed GOLDEN.
...That is unless you have kids...then
it's just damn suspicious...