Tuesday, 27 December 2016

A thank you, to you

If you are reading this, it means you're likely one of the ones who come by regularly for a quick read, a laugh, maybe out of sheer morbid curiosity wondering what on earth I'm going to write about or say next, or maybe you come along because this stuff works for you.
Whatever the reason, thank you so much for popping by. This is the last blog I'll write for 2016. 
It seems fitting that this is a post especially directed to you.
It is a genuine heartfelt thank you for all the times you messaged me to tell me how much my post/s have meant to you, how they made a difference to you or for a family member or friend to whom you copied the posts, sent it to them and it helped them too. 
Thank you for all the times you clicked "like" or commented on the posts that have kept the momentum going and added to the discussions and fostered more of the openness I've been trying to generate. 
When there are no likes or comments, it would usually mean that no one is reading, but as I've found out, some is simply because you didn't want to be seen as having "anxiety" or being "stressed" by being connected to a post about it. I am glad you were able to speak to me about that though, a confession of sorts that let me know that yes, you do have it but that the post helped you. These conversations are truly amazing to have and worth much more than any clicks.
I thank you for clicking by for a simple read, maybe just to pass the time. 
To you reading this, I wish you and your family and friends an amazing and spectacular Merry Christmas and New Year. You deserve it. 
2017 is going to be an amazing year for all of us, and of course we all have lots to do, challenges to overcome and successes to embrace and be proud of. A positive attitude can help deal with almost any obstacle you might face. 
But please remember during anything not-so-awesome; without some bad times happening every now and again, how can we truly appreciate the good when it comes along? Makes them all the sweeter when you think about it.
Now I'm working through this year, so if you do ever need to talk, feel free to message me. If I can't help in some way, I know lots of people who can. I'm no counsellor nor professionally trained, but sometimes its just good to have someone listen. I've got ears. I'm told they work.
A little note for those of you who have it a bit rough right now. I know there are a fair few of you out there in inter-web land. Please take care of yourself, stay true, dont be afraid to ask for help if you need it, try to look for any positive things you can make happen (no matter how small) in the situations you're in, and look after those who need you. 
Keep on keeping on, you got this. You can make it through. The opinions of others are not yours to own. Remember who you are and where you came from. 
You've always been a lot stronger than you've given yourself credit for. 
Image result for happy new year *.gif 2017
For everyone else, if you see someone in need, offer to help. Sometimes just having someone ask and offer support can make all the difference in the world.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and stay safe. Kinda like having you around.
​Take care of you and yours. ​Bring on 2017.​


Thursday, 15 December 2016

Mistakes, I've made a few


An article I put up on LinkedIn today. 
A "something to think about whilst you're at work" post this time.

Over the past few weeks, the subject of negative focus has lifted its head again as it often does when we all get tired and are looking toward that well earned, well deserved Christmas and New Year summer break. 

Pina collada's, walks in the rain. 
Y'know what I'm saying.

When I say "negative focus" I'm not talking about a general boiling cauldron of troubled culture in any work place or anything like that. No, not even close. 

This negativity occurs where we start to focus on problems and mistakes much more than the positive aspects of what we do, how we do it and what we could do.
I've said this a few times in past posts (see "Got Anxiety? Read This") in an attempt to change our mindset, especially at this time of year. 
This picture is one I found on the inter-web quite a while back. 
It's so good that I began incorporating its lesson into any teaching/coaching sessions here and off site too, where valid.

Yes. You read that right. Made no mistakes? Then what limits did you push?  

See, mistakes are important. If you never make any, how do you learn what works and what doesn't? 
If you're not making mistakes, how are you really challenging the things you do? 

Answer? It's likely you're not.

A boss of mine has asked on many occasions "what's the worst thing that can happen?" whenever someone has suggested an idea. 
I learnt after the first few times she asked me that this question seemed to serve three purposes. 

1. Will anyone die if we do it? 

2. Will anyone die if we don't do it? 
Legitimate concerns. But there was also a third reason.

3. Not only does this simple question serve as an immediate impact consideration assessment, but its also a great challenge to throw (some) caution to the wind and to take a chance. 

In this simple question (which I urge you to adopt by the way) my boss was also asking for the person concerned, to try. To take a calculated risk. To risk making a mistake. 
But of course, as long as no one was going to die.

And this ladies and gentlemen, this is how a business can move forward.

Please consider the Samurai picture and my boss's question. 

If you're looking at a process and see a potential opportunity to make it better, don't you owe it to the business (and yourself) to try to make it better or at the bare minimum, at least talk about it with someone invested in the result?
Yes! Of course you should! 

Innovation is crucial part of any businesses success.
Can you successfully innovate if you don't try anything new? Nope, kinda defeats the word itself.

Quick few questions you should ask yourself. 
1. Are you holding yourself back? 
2. Do you prefer to do the "tried and tested" way because "thats the way we've always done it"? You know it works, its safe. 
3. As a manger or a leader, are you treating any mistakes your staff make like catastrophic cases of pulling us closer to financial ruination?

Considering what you have just read higher up, what would happen if you stop doing that?

We are all guilty of stepping out sometimes when we should be stepping in. 
If you or your staff members are too afraid to take calculated risks or make mistakes just in case you/they embarrass yourself/themselves, then its time to stop that. 

Join me in stepping forward.

Mistakes - when owned and learnt from - can form badges of honour, help you to take the knocks they provide and assist you in growing to be more, to be better. 

We all have big goals ahead of us in 2017 and beyond and its going to take calculated risks and mistakes to learn from, to get there. 

Learning from them and challenging the norms will be the most likely method to push you and your business forward to where you need to go.

Look at the negative focus things differently, starting today. 
Try the new ideas. 

I mean after all...

What's the worst that could happen?