Friday, 4 July 2014

Challenge the way you think

Yup, its me again. You're looking well? That a new top? It's nice. Suits you.
Thanks for coming back. Gets kinda quiet around here with out you.
Not sure if you've done this kinda thing before but Blogging is a seriously weird thing to do, all work with very little get back. And no, I'm not trying to make you feel guilty. 
Let me explain...
Blogging is kinda like some weird science experiment that has no idea on what it is you want to prove (if anything) and has no scientific basis at all. Looking for litmus paper? Wont find any here. What about a Bunsen burner or some crazily arranged beakers. Nope, nadda.
With every post you "send out there" you just feel a bit like some crazy lab coat wearing scientist clinging on to the fact that MAYBE...yes, MAYBE someone out there in the big wide world is your reading your theories and somehow proving them right.  
I must add however, that I am in no way a likening myself to an actual scientist wearing a lab-coat here either. I do have a dressing gown if that helps though, but its blue...and it's fluffy. My Mother in Law bought it for me a few years back and look, I'm pretty sure she didn't buy it for me to do weird experiments in it or be looking to try and take over the world... 

Anyway, this post is to begin touching on the topics of "perspective" and "perception" that could help you see the world in a slightly different way. I promise there will be no further mentions of dressing gowns either. That just got a lil' tooooo awkward.

Now, as always, ideas discussed in these posts may prove useful if you are finding yourself stuck in a rut or even feeling overwhelmed. Or under-whelmed.
1. Perception/Perspective – soooo....what about them Horoscopes aye?

Right, I'll bet that right about now you're thinking to yourself "Yeah, big guy has lost it" or maybe "I'm stopping right here cause I don't believe in any of this $!%" 
And nope, I wouldn't blame you one bit. On the surface, it all seems a little odd. But is that the kind of person you are? Surface?

Naaaaaah. I don't think so.
So, you might wanna hear me out. Whether you subscribe to the I-Ching, horoscopes, fortune cookies, the eight ball, magic undies, astrology or nothing at all and don't believe in any of it because its rubbish, sometimes reading such generalised statements can be an exercise.

Again, already figure you're getting ready to click elsewhere, but don't. There is method in my madness.

To illustrate a point about perception and perspectives, horoscopes are ideal. 
Whether you like them or not, and whether or not you think they're the "tool of the devil I's tell's yah!!", they do have the ability to challenge your thinking if nothing else. 

Sometimes they can even enhance your awareness of an action or emotion, even if it's only for the very second you are reading it and no more. 
And yes, they are only gross generalisations designed to invoke those emotions of "hope" and "excitement", they want to hook you into coming back, or maybe hooking you into purchasing a "reading" from Madam Wobble-bottom. If a horoscope happens to be right on one day, it's luck people, a coincidence.

But, for this post please remember - Open minds let new ideas in and are better for it. 
Which leads us to exercise time.

Go read your horoscope for today. Google it or something. 
Odds are extremely high that it will be this gross generalisation I mentioned that does not actually commit to anything in particular, but a lot of things all at once. It might also be very specific - reason for this is, is the wider the readership, the greater chance they have of "getting somebody" with the wow, they got it right! factor.
Below is mine for the day I wrote this.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Don't confuse publicity with facts. Also, be careful not to mistake people for the roles they are playing. You'll make the smartest decisions when you base them on the underlying truth of things.

Okay, time for a "Perception and Perspective lesson".
Read your own horoscope (or mine) and copy and paste it onto a blank word doc. 
Delete the star sign stuff (in my one, delete the VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) so that only the statement remains.

Now ask yourself - if this statement was written by a noted scholar, a renowned wise man/woman, a trusted person or famous celebrity rather than some random horoscope person, would this statement have more merit? Would it be easier to accept as truth, rather than be ridiculed as crap?

The answer is undoubtedly YES
Say hello to perception slash perspective class, one-oh-one.

Now picture me in my dressing gown, messy hair, just woken up.  
What do you think about all this stuff I've written about now? Less buy in right? 

Now picture me wearing the suit I'm actually wearing (yes, I'm serious) - it's black, a blue tailored shirt underneath my single breasted jacket, and now think. 

I look like a professional. I must be right about what I'm posting.

The clothes don't make the man, they only change the perception of the man. The man makes the man. It's not rocket science, it's just in-your-face logic. 

Looking at the things around you in the world, like most, you'll make judgement calls on pretty much everything you see. But how often are they right?

Consider the homeless man. One look and you're looking away, trying not to make eye-contact. But was he always homeless? What was he before? He might've been someone trying to avoid eye contact with you...

Now think about the famous person, the celebrity. How would you feel if you led their life? On the surface, it'd be fantastic, all that money and fame, private jets, hanging with other celebs. Amazing. 
Now go below the surface and you start having to consider lack of freedoms, paparazzi, stalkers... 

Perception and perspective are two vitally important things you as a human being need to consider, every. single. day.

I'll finish up with the "what's in it for me" feature - how does this all apply to you? 

How about I give you a minute to ponder this question with a few friendly nudges to your ribs…

Go look at yourself in a mirror. Really look at yourself. Consider who YOU are and what you do.
  • If you act the fool all the time, will your idea's be treated as if you know what you are talking about? Like you're smart. Do you think anyone will listen to you? 
  • If you make a mistake and cover it up, but are then found out, how do you think people view you?
  • Caught lying, get well busted, how will this impact how others work in with you?  How your friends view you?
  • If you always just complain but never provide solutions, how might this change the way people react to positive suggestions you might make (if you ever do)?
  • Work hard and always give your all, how do you think people view you then?
  • Stand up for yourself constructively and become known for being honest, do you think that would make you trustworthy?
  • If you were to stand looking in through a window at a group of all your friends hanging out together, with you picking out the strongest, kindest and most like-able...would you choose you too if you were in there with them?

What kind of person are you, my favourite blog reader?

.....are you a horoscope written by Madam wobble-bottom...?

…or do you have more merit than that...?

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