Friday 4 July 2014

Year of the Horse

Welcome to the year of the wooden horse.
"Jeeez Darren, Horoscopes, Chinese New Year, what's next? Migrating patterns of geese?"

No, and a little yep. Look, I know how this must look….but read on. I am onto something here.

2014 to the descendants of the dragon (the Chinese people) state that we are all now in the year of the Wooden Horse. Now, quite unlike horoscopes sit in our perceptions, the Chinese philosophers were (and are) perceived as very smart and legends at seeing things we mere non-philosophers often cannot. 
Proverbs for instance regularly contain a high level of self (and external) awareness's.

According to such writings about 2014, this year can "bring an ambiance of excitement, yet it can also cause a quickness to get angry when things go awry".
Yes, this is the exact same potential as any other year – but good to read as it can create a minor amount of alertness for us about it like I alluded to in the post about horoscopes. 
Being aware of something – even if its only its potential (just like those horoscopes) can help you deal with things that are likely to confront you on any given year, not just this one.

They also say about 2014 "to watch out for extremes of emotion" and that "you can choose how to act on your feelings, be the rider who is in control of the Horse". 
Again, sage advice for any year, and again a generalisation much the same as horoscopes. Seeing some similarities? 

Now to clarify slightly on the horse thing, as you know, back in ancient times when so many of these things were written, a Horse was an important mode of transport, a means of getting for point A to point B. 
Nowadays, we get into a car. This is a surface statement, no depth, takes it for what it says and no analysis. Journeys from A to B can also be taken in ourselves - often referred to as personal growth.
These statements are simply asking you (and often themselves);

1. Would it be a better choice to let excitement or anger sit in your passenger seat, rather than the driver's seat?

2. Alternatively, perhaps it would be a great idea not pick anger up in the first place?

Again, all very clear and sound in the thinking.
The point I'm making is simply if you view all these things (horoscopes, proverbs, books, teachings by others, conversations you have, life experiences, everything) as open challenges to your thinking, then you can change your perspective on how you view them.
Knowing how you fit (or how you want to fit in) is the first step in all personal and professional growth.
But here is the kicker - 
You have to change your own perceptions of others, in order to be perceived differently by others yourself.

Yep. Think about it...
If you are treating someone with care and concern when you once would have scolded them constantly, once the initial skepticism and fear subsides, that someone may well view you just as differently as you now view them.
Whether you like it or not, more often than we give credit for, other people can be reflections of ourselves and the attitudes we put out there. Try it - go into a room full of people you know and act pissed off, or depressed, or stressed out.
I'm betting some of how you are feeling will rub off on those around you.
As you go about your day today, keep this one in mind if you can.

See you back here later.

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